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Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Mirror of Time - an anthology of poems
 by Gautam Maitra


 Mirror of Time - An Anthology of Poem
 Copyright@2019,  Gautam Maitra

The folks call him insane, Budhu knows not what's sane,
          Strolling in his own lane.
And when the evening comes and the gossip mills start churning,
He sits there at his desk, his eyes transfixed on the pink sky
                        That the sun seems to be burning.
The song of sparrows, the dances of mynas 
                           Hold his heart more than his
Paycheck due nigh the month-end.
And when the sweet-faced devils of the office arrive with their silver tongues
And hidden agendas for bosses too blinded by faint appraise,
Budhu has lost himself in the eternal questions of life and the Universe.
Stranded on a lonely Island surrounded by an eternal sea of thoughts and
Musings and questions and feelings. Pristine beaches of the sands of truth,
Where waves upon waves of ideas crash. They crash and smash, questions
Surfing on the back of more questions. They come in the balls of gas the stars
Hold like glittering pearls a zillion miles away. They hide in the darkest of
Clouds, floating across the sunlit sky on the brightest of days.
The giant tides of history that bring about the 
                              Smallest bits of the past with
Them, pasts forgotten eons ago;
And as the smallest fractions of time expand and blow up to form eternities
Uncountable, unfathomable the body shrinks and rots, the spirit callow and we
Become only a grain of sand, one is all and all is one, a grain of sand
Surrounded by an endless sea of thoughts and feelings, of nights and dawns.
And Budhu loses himself.
Budhu loses himself.
Loses his sense of self in the unthinkable vastness of the Universe's shelf.
A mere shell with no shape, no form, no quirks, no norms, no doubts, 
                 No harms, no desires, no envy, no ambitions, no qualms.
A timeless island where the past and the futures are one and the same.
All is one and one is all.

Extract from Mirror of Time - An Anthology of Poems by Gautam Maitra (C) 

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