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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Readers Comments on Poems: Death of a moment;Ho Ho Ho; 9/11 Falling Sky

Comment For Death of a moment (#315777)  
... From the Writing.Com Review and Comment System ...

You have just received the following private comment/review about
item #315777 entitled: "Death of a moment [

From: boomer

Well...that was kind of despressing. ' alt="*Frown*" title=Frown border=0 v:shapes="_x0000_i1026">  But life comes and goes, and is not always joyful or cheerful. So, I guess truthitself is depressing. Hm, a shame.

I liked the first four stanzas. They were very emotional and descriptive. And the way you wrote it gave it a natural feeling to it telling the reader what the poem is about. Very good. *Smile*

Keep up the writing!


A Gift From:   ladybug44

Size Of The Gift:   35 Gift Points

*** *** *** *** *** *** Comment Attached To Gift Points *** *** *** *** *** ***

With A Review For "
Ho Ho Ho !:
that was good.

Comment For Ho Ho Ho ! (#314906)  

From: ladybug44

that was good.

Comment For Ho Ho Ho ! (#314906)  

.. From the Writing.Com Review and Comment System ...

You have just received the following private comment/review about
item #314906 entitled: "Ho Ho Ho !
From: Princess Megan Bella Rose (695) 

Heart touching and good word flow. Always: Megan
Character Count: 48
Rating included:     4.5 stars     out of 5.0 stars.   (Note: A 3.0 is Average.)

Comment For The falling sky (#320061)  

... From the Writing.Com Review and Comment System ...

You have just received the following private comment/review about
item #320061 entitled: "The falling sky
From: Princess Megan Bella Rose (695) 

Heartfelt and a good word flow here. Nice job. 9-11, a day we will never forget. Always: Megan ** #1000312 Not An Image ** 
Character Count: 109
Rating included:     4.5 stars     out of 5.0 stars.

Readers Comment and publication in children magazine - Portrait of My Grand dad ETC

Re: Review of Item #338446 
On 08/09/2002 at 11:16:32, wrote:
Okay, a little about myself. My heart has always been into writing for
children, and my dream has been to find a SAFE place for kids of all ages to
come to read, explore, learn, etc. When I had the opportunity to begin
Jellbyean Junction, within one month I also had to add a special section for
teens. I'm proud of my ezine, and I've received numerous emails that say that
kids with problems reading or wanting to read in school, Jellybean is opening a
new world for them. So I feel that God has led me to do this, and I'm really
content with it. Visit the website, and I think you'll enjoy your trip there.

Thanks so much for your permission to use Memories of My Grand=dad. I think it
would leave an impact on kids today, and how much the older generation really
does mean

Thanks again,
Comment For Memories of my grand-dad (#338446)  
Greetings from the Stories.Com Review and Comment System! 

You just received the following comment/review about item #338446,

Review From: bianca_b
Well written. San forwarded a link to your work,while you gave her permission to publish it in Jellybean Junction. 

Your article will appear in the December issue of Jellybean Junction. 

With warm regards, Bianca

The person who left this comment/review rated this 
item 5.0 stars out of a possible 5 stars.

Comment For Memories of my grand-dad (#338446)  
Greetings from the Stories.Com Review and Comment System! 

You just received the following comment/review about item #338446,
entitled: "
Invalid Item

Review From: santana803
This is a beautiful story. Very well written.

I'm owner of the ezine (
http://www.4jellybean.com) and Teen Jellybean. This would be perfect for our Nonfiction section in the Teen Jellybean.

If you would consider allowing me to publish this for you, the copyright, of course remains yours. I would need a bio, a name you want it published under (pen or real) and an email addy in case someone would like to personally contact you about your work.

If you have any questions, please email me.

I'm anxious to hear from you.


The person who left this comment/review rated this 
item 5.0 stars out of a possible 5 stars.



remids me of mi grand pa ………
  • ATS

Great Job Guys!
~~~~~~ :)
translation service
language resources

Made me think of my grand dad.He was a larger than life figure for me,some day I will write about him.

real good read…somtimes v 4get whts so important….spending tht few minutes thinkin of thm who 4 4get yet love so deeply.

Very nice post. Brought back my childhood memories. :-))))))

it very immediately evoked feelings for my grandfather too.

After reading ur blog,I remember my grandfather reading story books for us which used to amuse us but i and my cousin could not read that time….and also the evening walks with him during our summer vacations….

A illustrous grandson of a illustrous grandfather

Nostalgia always evokes memories of the good old days. Your granddad seems to be a master storyteller. It is a rare gift and it seems to have been passed down to you..:)

very very very nice…it’’s great blog..keep it up..

Comment For A Date With Dead Celebrities (#339199)  

Greetings from the Stories.Com Review and Comment System! 

You just received the following comment/review about item #339199,
entitled: "

Review From: The Great Twitch on Hiatus (
Interesting. but some of the people in your heaven were still alive...is this supposed to take place in the future? 

The person who left this comment/review rated this 
item 4.5 stars out of a possible 5 stars.


Comment For I am coming, sis! (#321761)

Greetings from the Stories.Com Review and Comment System! 

You just received the following comment/review about item #321761,
entitled: "

Review From: Diane - Snowballer (
Good story. I like the way you flash back to conversations and then to the present. :) Diane

The person who left this comment/review rated this 
item 4.0 stars out of a possible 5 stars.

Comment For Solidarity for Pro-Peace Demonstrators (#668234)  
Greetings from the Writing.Com Review and Comment System! 

You just received the following comment/review about item #668234,
entitled: "

Review From: mary-fran
Judging by the rating this has received, I take it you had the misfortune of having a pro-war activist stumble across this piece. I, however, really enjoyed reading it, though maybe a few more paragraph breaks would have made it easier to read (sorry, I just have to point out something in every piece I come across).

I am an American, but I am also appalled at the way that America and Britain have handled this campaign. It was a day of pure humiliation for me when these countries decided to go against the UN and enter Iraq (and yes, you're right, it *was* an invasion, no matter what we're being told). News programs began their routine flag-waving and breast-beating, telling viewers that we were going to "own" Iraq in three days. The humiliation that I'd felt remained, but made room for anger and sadness, as well.

The display of arrogance and ignorance is disturbing to witness, as is the silencing of every dissident voice here in America. If one does not wave the flag and pledge body and soul to our "wonderful" president (read, "dictator"), one is considered to be unpatriotic. If that is the case, so be it. There is a time when patriotism and national/ethnic affiliation must take a backseat to a simple consideration of humanity. The people that we have invaded, killed, and are continuing to antagonize are human beings just like everyone else, and they deserve to be treated as such.

To hear the American troops speak on television, that they "aren't ready to leave Iraq", is infuriating. Obviously, these men and women were ignorant enough to buy the lies coming from the White House, and are too narrow-minded to believe that their leader may actually be wrong. I also see eerie similarities between the U.S. of today and the Germany of WWII.

With the military in the president's back pocket, so to speak, it is really hard for an ordinary American citizen to do anything about current events. My only source of comfort is a theory that states that all civilizations rise and eventually collapse upon themselves. For the sake of the entire world, let's hope that the U.S. will fall before they have a chance to commit any more heinous acts of arrogance and greed.

(By the way, I'm not sure if you're an American or not, but if you aren't, I just ask that you please don't judge us all by the image this country has shown the world. There are some of us over here that are just as sickened by it as you are.)
